This type of instruction within the SEI program is called Sheltered Content Instruction (SCI). A lesson outline for using this topic with eighth graders is provided. Researchers have ercely debated the merits of bilingual and English-only reading instruction. In an SEI program, they are content classrooms with at least one EL, where SEI-endorsed, content-licensed educators shelter instruction so that ELs can meaningfully engage with grade-level content, and develop discipline-specific academic language. It outlines steps in producing a unit integrating teaching on the cell and teaching about government and discusses the identification of common elements in the seemingly disparate subjects. The second focuses on commonalities in the organizational structure of social studies and science. The first, a science unit on the moon and gravity, provides information for the teacher on the role of sheltered English in science instruction, outlines components of a sheltered English lesson, suggests steps in developing and teaching a lesson, and contains a lesson outline based on these principles.
#Principles of sheltered english instruction professional
when principals engaged in professional development alongside teachers. Two units on lesson planning follow, with lesson activities that illustrate these principles. ESL Sheltered Instruction 1 focuses on the 6 Principles for Exemplary Teaching of English Learners and provides information and demographic data that is. administrators regarding sheltered instruction of English Language Learners.

objectives, scaffolding strategies, and other principles of sheltered instruction. The guide provides background information on the concept and practice of sheltered instruction, vocabulary development through concepts, and the teacher's role in sheltered English. Integrates Language and Content Instruction for English Learners.

The approach is based on research in first and second language development and the interaction of this research with school achievement. Adapted from a curriculum guide prepared by the Hartford, Connecticut Bilingual Program's Vocabulary Development Committee, this guide to vocabulary development in sheltered English offers practical ideas for content area instruction to limited-English-speaking students in the language classroom, with the objective of facilitating transition from the English-as-a-second-language or bilingual classroom to English-only, mainstream instruction.