Then add the same amount of pre-mixed joint compound (not setting type compound!) to the bucket followed by the same amount of sand.
To make a full bucket of Modern Plaster, begin by filling a 5-gallon bucket 1/3 full of water and then mixing veneer plaster into the water and mixing thoroughly until ALL lumps are gone and you have a thin sour cream like mix. When sand is added to the mix, it becomes even parts of all three items 1:1:1.

If you aren’t adding sand, then it’s a 1:1 mix of veneer plaster to joint compound. Sand is optional depending on the texture you are trying to match.

This post doesn’t cover how to patch plaster, which is handled before the application of Modern Plaster. It was introduced to me by plasterer with over 40 years experience as a very workable solution to damaged plaster walls. Modern Plaster is a hybrid of the commonly used veneer plaster and joint compound finishes available today. You never know what you’ll find, but with a little experimentation, you can usually find a solution.

The plaster may be smooth and sand free in one house, then a heavy sand finish, or crow’s foot texture on the next. A lot of this work varies from home to home as we attempt to match the original finishes. Well, I’ve finally gotten around to making a video to show you some of the techniques that we use to attain this look. I mentioned a technique that my company uses called ‘Modern Plaster’ to repair and re-coat old plaster walls and new sheetrock to make them look and perform like a brand new old plaster wall. I posted a while back about my aversion to drywall and how I feel it has absolutely no place in an old house.