Walking in tall grass or a cave Condition Wayward Cave (optional) Wayward Cave Main Area in Platinum. This will also recalculate the statistics at the bottom of the table accordingly. updated This Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl Walkthrough for Oreburgh Gate covers the Pokemon, items, and battles you'll encounter in the area.
Learn about how to get Gible location in Wayward Cave or Hideaways, its full learnset with all learnable moves, evolution data and how to evolve, along with its abilities, type advantages, and more.

If all this confuses you, and I don't blame you, just set the conditions in the form above to what actually applies for you right now, which will hide all the inactive slots and leave only the Pokémon you're actually going to be seeing. Gible is a Pokemon available in Pokemon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl (BDSP). each bolded horizontal heading) always has the same number of slots actually active. The percentages tell you the chance of a Pokémon from this slot (row) appearing for any given wild encounter, provided the condition on the left holds. Fortunately, the encounter rate isn’t too bad: 15. Wayward Cave B1F View Full Map Image Grip Claw can be picked up inside Wayward Cave B1F, and can be reached by riding and jumping through bike ramps. The bolded horizontal headings stand for the main condition that affects the following slots the big cells on the left side describe which circumstances must apply for the rows they span to be active. Item Locations (B1F)¶ (To be added.) Where to Find Gible¶ Outside of the Grand Underground, Wayward Cave is the only place to find Gible.